Become a Member of St. Paul

Baptism: A person who confesses Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and adopts substantially the views of faith and principles of this Church and is baptized by immersion may be received into the fellowship of this Church.

Letter: A person who is in substantial accord with the views of faith and the principles of this Church may be received by letter from any other Church that baptizes by immersion.

Christian Experience: A believer who has formerly been a member of a Church and was baptized by immersion and follows the view of faith and principles of this Church may be received upon statement of experience

Restoration: A former member, who decides to restore their membership with the church.

Watch Care: A person who is a member of another Church but sojourning in this community for a brief period of time may be received into membership of the Church for a three month period. For example, students may unite with the church under watch care while they are enrolled in a local institution of learning.